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A range of double swivel elbows providing added mobility at the patient connection, with a variety of ports for all applications. All Intersurgical port caps are retainable for safety; fixed to the port connectors to ensure that they cannot be misplaced in use.

Flip top cap with 7.6mm port - for connection of all standard 7.6mm probes or suctioning.

Double Flip top cap with seal - opening the first tab on the cap allows for the introduction of a fibre optic bronchoscope whilst maintaining airway pressure. Opening the second tab allows for suctioning if required.
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* Sorunuzun gönderilebilmesi için doldurulması gereken formun zorunlu bölümleridir.
© Intersurgical Medikal Ürünler Ltd, 2025
Nida Kule Göztepe İşMerkezi, Bora Sok No:1,Kadıköy, Istanbul
+90 02164688828