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A clear vision for the future
ClearLite™ is a range of single use face masks which includes seven sizes, size 0 neonatal to size 6 large adult. Due to the enhanced anatomical design, the ClearLite™ mask offers superior seal performance with minimum pressure, reducing the risk of unnecessary discomfort or potential trauma.

ClearLite™ is non-PVC and phthalate free which significantly minimises the impact upon the environment. The range is available without a hook ring to reduce waste.

Comparing the environmental impact of products
The We have used SimaPro 8 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) software to assess the environmental aspects of our products following the ISO standards 14040:2006 and 14044:2006. By analysing the materials, packaging, energy used in manufacturing and disposal methods, this software enables us to quantify the environmental impact of our products, providing a number in units of Eco millipoints, which allows for all impact categories to be provided in a single value, including carbon emissions.

The example provided below illustrates the reduction of environmental impact between a traditional PVC face mask and the ClearLite™ face mask.

Products with lower Eco millipoints are more environmentally friendly, the ClearLite™ shows a 72% reduction in environmental impact.1
Code Description Eco millipoint score
7294000     ClearLite™ face mask, size 4, adult, green seal, 22F - non PVC 8.07
1515000     Economy face mask, size 4, medium adult, 22F - PVC 28.4

Reference 1: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Comparison of non-PVC and PVC anaesthetic masks (issue 3)
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© Intersurgical Medikal Ürünler Ltd, 2025
Nida Kule Göztepe İşMerkezi, Bora Sok No:1,Kadıköy, Istanbul
+90 02164688828