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Our CO2 cuvette for Dräger® ventilators is a single use cuvette for mainstream CO2 monitoring of mechanically ventilated adult patients.

Compliant with all applicable device standards, the cuvette is intended for use with the Dräger® Evita® Infinity® V500 ICU ventilator and the Dräger® Oxylog® 3000 plus transport ventilator.

It should be positioned between the breathing system patient connection port and the catheter mount or patient interface.

Drager®, Evita®, Infinity®, and Oxylog® are registered trademarks of Dragerwerk AG & Co. KGaA.
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* Sorunuzun gönderilebilmesi için doldurulması gereken formun zorunlu bölümleridir.
© Intersurgical Medikal Ürünler Ltd, 2025
Nida Kule Göztepe İşMerkezi, Bora Sok No:1,Kadıköy, Istanbul
+90 02164688828