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The GO-PAP™ is a disposable emergency CPAP device that connects directly to an oxygen source. It operates at 10 L/min and delivers approximately 30% FiO2. There is an adjustable PEEP valve (5, 7.5 and 10 cmH2O) integrated into the generator. The PEEP is independent of the flow and therefore there is no requirement to adjust the flow to maintain PEEP levels. Additionally, this completely disposable system offers integrated nebulisation while maintaining a consistent flow to the patient.

The GO-PAP™ system with nebuliser ED mask and standard headgear is available in 3 adult sizes with a size guide to help you choose the right mask for your patient.

Release Information: This product available in selected markets, please consult your local office for further details.
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© Intersurgical Medikal Ürünler Ltd, 2025
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+90 02164688828