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StarMed Ventumask - For CPAP therapy with Venturi flow driver and adjustable PEEP valve

StarMed Ventumask is a unique design for CPAP therapy that is simply activated by connecting to an appropriate oxygen supply. It can be used in a hospital environment or pre-hospital use, for example in an ambulance.
Advantages & Technical Features:
• Ventumask is a complete and easy to use system, where the oxygen supply tubes, a Venturi flow driver and a PEEP valve are integral to the CPAP mask
• The adjustable PEEP valve is designed exclusively for Ventumask and the administration to the patient is facilitated at some pre-settings: 5 - 7.5 - 10 - 12.5 cmH2O
• The integrated Venturi flow driver can generate high patient flows while consuming a reduced amount of compressed oxygen
• O2% can be adjusted from 40% to 100% at each PEEP level
• The user is guided by a performance table integral to the product, for independent PEEP and O2% settings
• PEEP and FiO2 parameters are independent for optimal therapy setting
• Adjustable PEEP valve, silicone headgear and oxygen tubing are included

Single packed.
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Product code*
* Sorunuzun gönderilebilmesi için doldurulması gereken formun zorunlu bölümleridir.
© Intersurgical Medikal Ürünler Ltd, 2025
Nida Kule Göztepe İşMerkezi, Bora Sok No:1,Kadıköy, Istanbul
+90 02164688828